“Slamming Spillway Specks”

  I think we all know what exactly a spillway opening is but for those who don’t it is when the Bonnet Carre Spillway is opened to relieve pressure off the Mississippi River allowing it to flow freely into Lake Pontchartrain. There seems to be many of questions asking how the spillway will effect the…

Happy New Year

  Happy new year to all from Dockside TV we hope 2019’ turn out to be an epic year. The weather so far this year is starting off pretty dismal. The pearl river is already sky high pumping fresh water in the lake which could hurt our spring run. On days it isn’t blowing a…

“Hard Bait Time”

Well September felt more like August making us crave October cool fronts more than normal. The good news is we look like we escaped the heart of hurricane season yet again and the trout have already started their move to the west. Usually we do not start making good trout catches until October but we…

“Transition Time”

“Transition Time” August has past and gone and usually I am thrilled do get out of that dreadful month but this year was different. This August speckled trout unexpectedly showed up in several areas and I was pleasantly shocked. I personally started my mornings out in Lake Catherine each day drifting way off the banks…