“Transition Time”
August has past and gone and usually I am thrilled do get out of that dreadful month but this year was different. This August speckled trout unexpectedly showed up in several areas and I was pleasantly shocked. I personally started my mornings out in Lake Catherine each day drifting way off the banks popping corks. The Matrix Oval Float 24” above a 5/16oz Black Platinum hook. Bait of choice has been the Tiger Bait and Ultra Violet Matrix Shad. Each morning we have caught nice numbers of trout.
Why did the trout move in early this summer? That’s a great question. For one salinities have been higher this August than they have in the last five years. Usually we dedicate August to chasing reds before changing to trout in late September but this year we are already targeting trout and the redfish bite is just a bonus. Look for many areas to really heat up this September especially with August already producing. Once we all have to wear sweaters when leaving out at daylight the fish are going to get charged up too. Also the best redfish month of the year is September, so catching fish this month should be easier than normal. September is known for a transitional month making consistent trout catches tough as they are constantly moving but on the days you find the trout bite slow simply target reds that day and you should salvage a good day of fishing. Don’t leave home with out your popping corks and I would try some Matrix Mullet Topwaters during first light for your bigger trout. Make sure to watch all of our September DockSideTV episodes and also the ones where we feature popping corks as those techniques in each video will help for this time of year.