‘The Most Exciting Style of Fishing’ 

  What is the most exciting style of fishing?  In my opinion it is hard to beat sight fishing for red fish along the Gulf Coast.  I typically do this in south east Louisiana but I have some experience with this technique on the pan handle of Florida.  With the fall approaching this is a…


August Heat Continues

Wow this has been the hottest summer I have ever seen. Water temps have been incredible along with relentless west winds. This has probably been the most difficult summer I have seen in years. Although this summer heat has been difficult, there is still some quality catches hitting the docks. On falling tides the LnN…


Fishing the Blazing Heat

Hot is an understatement to the summer so far. This had to be the hottest June on record. South Louisiana was plagued with brutally hot west winds making fishing very tough but do able. Me personally I targeted small bass in the man made canals on days where severe thunderstorms we forming and ran to…


Go Deep or Go Shallow

Deciding to go deep or shallow are your two options typically as we go into June.  What that means is the trout are going to start heading a little deeper looking for swifter currents and saltier water.  Typical trout depths we find them in June is 12-25’ of water and since they like swift current…


Magnificent May

May is considered by many to be the easiest month of the year to target speckled trout.   April winds start subsiding along with rainy fronts.  Water temps rise to a favorable 75 degrees and speckled trout can be caught many different ways.  The bigger trout start their migration out to saltier waters during the…


Easter Eggs and Trout Eggs (With Video)

Easter eggs are not the only type of egg that goes into play in April. Speckled trout begin the main part of their spawn also during the month of April which gives us anglers a great advantage on catching trophy trout. A trophy trout now of days is about 4-6 lbs. but 75% of Louisiana’s…


Bye Bye Cold, Hello Spring

Well it is finally here. Warming southerly winds. spawning Specks, spawning Crappie, March Madness and crawfish. Now thats a lot of fun stuff for one month. We are going talk about the specks and sacs (sacalait). March is know as a very windy month so your going to need to pick your days or just…


Easier Times are Nearing

This time of year things can get mighty slow and look bleak but don’t give up. As soon as temps trend to warm the bridges will come to life and also the shallows of Lake Catherine. I typically like to start focusing on the south end of the trestle for the first surge of late…


Cold Weather Tactics

Happy new year to all and lets start this year off talking fishing cold weather. Water temps will stay in the 50’s and 60’s over the next few weeks and here is some areas you should target. The number one area every one will be targeting is the Great Wall of Chalmette. This is a…
