Drum and Flounder Getting Thick on Tracks

If you are looking for some cheap, easy and taste great, the Train Trestle in Eastern Lake Pontchatrain is the place to be.  Simply pick up some live DockSide shrimp and bounce around the tracks, and make sure to have a big ice chest for all the puppy drum your going to catch along the…


“Just Like We Expected”

If you read our latest report in the September Marsh and Bayou magazine we were predicting the white shrimp to be pushed up and into all the bayous and canals on the northern end of the lake and that is exactly what has happened.  We are seeing bank fisherman coming to fish off the side…


Fishing Getting Hot After Isaac

Beaten, battered and flooded Lake Pontchartrain is now back to normal and should load up with fish after hurricane Isaac.  It was a ruff week for all in SE louisiana during an under estimated hurricane Isaac, but again due to a resilient  community we are back ready at DockSide ready to serve those who are…


Tip of the Week “Get Something for Free”

For entire month of August DockSide will be giving away a free pair of polarized sunglasses with any website purchase.     With any purchase throughout the entire month of august on www.MatrixShad.com www.DockSideLA.com will receive a FREE pair of Xsportz sunglasses (Polarized) Check out the Matrix Shad and Golden eye jig heads and spinner…


Half Moon Island Littered with Specks

An area our DockSide guys doesn’t go often is deep into Lake Borgne.  We usually try to stay as close as we can to Lake Pontchatrain as much as we can but there has been a sudden surge of  trout on the Big Island in Lake Borgne.  One morning trip earlier  in the week, Capt.…


Triple Tail Eating Matrix Shad

On calm sunny days there isn’t anything more exciting that chasing down those illusive triple tail out n Lake Borgne.  The only down fall is the expense as the price of gas stings when running all the crab trap lines out in Lake Borgne.  Simply run close to all the crab taps you see and…
