The month that keeps on giving both from Santa and the Sea. Although November is probably my favorite month, December is a close 2nd. One of two things will happen during November. The first is if it stays a mild winter the bridges of Pontchartrain will continue produce nice specks along with the local man made canals. Also the Mrgo will be red hot as every winter. The other thing that may happen is the ground hog may say that winter is coming early. Then water levels will plummet along with water temperatures. If this happens the trout will go on strike and the reds will bundle up like bees in a hive. If water levels plummet don’t look to catch a red or two. Look to catch 30 or 40 in the same spot. They will not be spread out. You will need to cover a lot of water but when you find one you will find “The Nest” as my man Capt Brooks says.
Big fronts will tell the tale of this December.