The dog days of summer are here and not going anywhere too soon. Looks like July is going to start off as a wet one to go along with scorching heat. This is definitely not one of my favorite times of year although we still go fishing and there is several things to do right now. Number one is triple tail season is starting. I recommend those who like boat rides make their far runs East for trout early in am then run crab trap floats to target triple tail on way in. We made a shrimp perfect for triple tail that will be out in August so be on the look out. If you like to stay close like I do I would start sight fishing reds all over the Lake Catherine and Lake Borgne area on sunny days or target the Bayou Bievenue area for bass with the new matrix Swim Shad on the cloudy days as seen in latest Dockside TV. If you want super simple and beat the heat, park under the twin span with live shrimp and rare back on Sheepshead or target the bridge with Matrix Shads like we did also in a Dockside TV airing soon and target Reds and Drum. All and all fall will be here shortly so make the best of it while you can while we wait on the best months of the year to arrive.
Author: Chas Champagne
http://matrixshad.comCapt. Chas Champagne is an avid angler, located in Slidell, LA. Capt. Chas owns and operates Dockside Bait & Tackle and also manufactures his own tackle producing the Matrix Shad fishing lure and the Golden Eye jig heads.