This winter has so far been non existent and the trout have been responding to these warm temperatures. Typically we loose our speckled trout bite around this time of year but this year the specks have been staying in a November style pattern all winter. We also usually find the bass and reds stacked up in the marsh due to low and cold water but that has been rather non existent this winter also. Look for February to continue to produce solid trout on the bridges as they have all year but don’t look for limits. This is the time of year the trout show quality but not quantity. The Tiger Bait Matrix in the 3” Shad and 4” mega on a 3/8 oz Golden Eye is the go to color. We have a lot of high rivers and flooding fresh water so we need to monitor that close. We do typically turn our focuses to crappie fishing this time of year so stay tuned to Dockside TV for that transition. Remember to subscribe to your Matrix Bait Box and Dockside TV to stay up to speed on everything we have to offer!!!Until next time“Good Fishing”