With all the extreme weather throughout february and heading into march it may be time to look at the freshwater side of fishing and see what you think. If you have always wanted to put a trophy bass on your wall and not really sure when to go well NOW is the answer. Bass get on the beds when water temps starting touching the 60 degree mark and there is no better time to start looking for a wall hanger. Right in the back yard of DockSide is a wonderful place to start looking for a trophy Green Trout as Matt McCabe shows in this post. Matrix Shad’s work great for bass as shown in most recent DockSide Live video but make sure to have an arsenal of stuff from spinner baits to plastic worms. The eden isles bass are extremely tricky to catch and can be a head scratcher of a place to even the best of anglers, but if you catch them on the right day with the right bait there is no where better on the north shore to catch monster stringers of bass, but remember its a no wake zone so those of you with 70mph boats you
are gonna have to stay at idol and stay anxious to get from spot to spot.