November was pretty slow for a typical great month for the bridges but December looks like it is going to pick up the slack. This Christmas season is showing promise for the bridge bite. The trick to the bridges is to cover water. Put that trolling motor in the water and fish fast. It is very rare to find them ganged up in one spot. It is a bass fishing style of fishing wear stick one here and one there and covering ground in the key. 3/8 oz golden eyes bounced on the bottom with your favorite Matrix or Vortex Shad on most days is the preferred method. Here lately the water has been gin clear so we have switched to our Matrix Flouro and mainly using our Xshad lures. The Xshads are hand painted and our most life like lures. If you find your self on a big trout bite I recommend switched to the Mega Matrix which is our 4″ lure that entices strikes from bigger fish. When the tide is moving swiftly switch over to the 1/2 oz Golden Eye. Keeping that lure on the bottom is key so jig head size is crucial. Typically I like to fish the down current side casting into the current and working the plug back with the current. If you are looking for a wall hanger your best bet will always be on the hwy 11 bridge. The 11 bridge is notorious for producing some of the largest trout in Pontchartrain history. If you want to be secluded there is no better place than the twin span. When the fish show up thick on the trestle they also go to the twin span and hwy 11. When the tide is at a stand still focus on the the southern tips of the bridges as it moves faster down there. Bridge season will last all winter into the spring unless water temps dip below the 50’s. It has been a warm winter so far so I think the bridge bite will last all winter.