The hottest month of the year has now arrived. Long days and hot water tempurates create complex fishing situations and trout fishing can really be tricky. When chasing trout early starts are escential. We like to focus on deep moving water during august. The deeper the water and the more the current moves the cooler the water stays which is where specks like to be this time of year. Areas we have been fishing of late has been the rigolets passes when tides are melow. When tides are roaring we have been focusing on all the natural gas wells and rigs in Lake Borgne. While running from rig to rig make sure to keep an eye on all the crab trap floats looking for triple tail as this is one of the better months for chasing the black fish. On bright blue bird days we have been doing nothing but chasing redfish. Sight fishing redfish off the ICW has been as good as ever. The brighter the sunshine and calmer the winds the easier it is to see those bright orange reds in the ponds off the ICW. On the cloudiest of days the bass have been going buzurke in a lot of the tributaries off lake pontchartrain along with deep off the pearl river. It is a great thing to do on tuff fishing conditions as its provides strong protection from the winds. With all the rainfall early in the year it looks like a banner marsh bass year on the lake pontchartrain basin. Remember light tides fish the rigolets, calm hard tide days check the rigs in lake borgne. Blue bird days go sight fishing for reds. And on the worst weather days you can still nail the bass in the creeks and bayous that are holding the nastiest of vegetation, Check out all of our last DockSide TV episodes as they give good visuals on all these different situations. “Unitl Next Time, Good Fishing”
Author: Chas Champagne
http://matrixshad.comCapt. Chas Champagne is an avid angler, located in Slidell, LA. Capt. Chas owns and operates Dockside Bait & Tackle and also manufactures his own tackle producing the Matrix Shad fishing lure and the Golden Eye jig heads.