Summer is now here along with the hot temperatures. If it is speckled trout you are after there are two things you will have to change up from fishing during the spring. First off early starts is key. The early bird gets the worm in the summer months. The other thing you may have to do to fill the boxes from the Pontchartrain basin is gear up for a boat ride. With the MRGO now closed summer salinity is lower than a speckled trout’s liking so running to saltier waters is key. Speckled trout hone in out salty waters during the warmer months due to their spawning habits. Areas to target are to the east such as the rigs in Lake Borgne or even further such as the eastern part of the Biloxi Marsh. Another good area to focus on during the summer is the LnN train bridge in the Rigolets. Trout will tend to go deeper and deeper as water temps rise. If you are going to target the bridges in the Rigolets make sure to pick days with the smallest tides.
If you are like me and want to keep throwing plastics and avoid getting up at 4am fighting live bait crowds chase redfish and forget about the trout until September. I like to leave the dock around 7am during June and sight fish reds. I pick the sunniest of days helping me spot fish the reds better. If the water is low which usually means west winds I like to focus on the Lake Borgne shoreline between Unknown Pass and Bayou Bievenue. If waters are up with because of an east wind push deep back into the marshes off Lake Borgne in the grassiest of ponds. The thick grass will help the ponds stay crystal clear. To view how I like to fish this time of year make sure to watch all our DockSide TV episodes published during the month of June. Until next time “Good Fishing”