During early fall the key to finding autumn specks is to locate grass. Whether it’s a shallow eel grass bed or a deep canal with coon tail grass on the banks finding grass is essential. Once you find some grass I recommend starting the morning off with top water matrix mullets. If you get a few blow ups in a certain section, circle back around on it with the matrix minnow and ripshad jerk baits. If it’s a shallow flat simply swimming a matrix on a light golden eye over the grass is a great technique or use the TKO shrimp under a Matrix Float. If it’s a deeper canal with grass on the edges painting the edge of the grass’ edge with a matrix and a heavier jig head is a great technique also.
The Pontchartrain basin has grass all over. The Goose Point area along with Bayou Liberty and Bayou Lacombe are great on north winds. On south winds circle around to the Irish Bayou area. On east winds it’s hard to beat the Bayou Ceader shorelines. All and all keep your eyes peeled for grass. Sometimes starting with a jig head to see if you catch some grass to make sure it’s there is a good strategy. Another good thing to look for is floating grass on the surface. Grassy bottoms with pull from the bottom when it has waves and float to the surface. Find the grass find the trout until water temps get below 70 degrees then we will discuss the winter strategies.